We understand ourselves by what we measure and when we measure money we lose sight of what we can do.
Watching Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project about Horizon 2020 project.
Bureaucracy ⇒ Rules ⇒ Loss of Agency.
Work programs ⇒ Calls ⇒ Proposal ⇒ Consortium ⇒ Acceptance. Now 100% funding plus 25% for overhead.
Proposals reviewed on three dimensions, scale of 1 to 5, independent reviewers, encouraged to resolve differences, highest scoring win. All more transparent than, say, CCC program committee.
Program officers like the PyPy project because the work is ongoing after funding.
Program officers are personally liable for advice they give, up to one year's salary.
National contact point is good starting point since they want you to be funded.
Hacking is first understanding and then using understanding for effect.
Social experience is decentralized even though a service is centrally owned and operated. Program officers are interested in how a deeper decentralization can work.
Opening comments about value and agency were little discussed except as the basis of equivalence of hacker culture and EU bureaucracy. Moral, don't think too much about the money when building your proposals.
I wonder, what sort of consortium could be assembled to advance EU and federated wiki goals? How different would it have to be from the US based project? An EU fork of the repos? An EU based hosting consortium? An educational effort? Translations?
I wonder if the hypertext context for each new paragraph would make it easier to machine translate than, say, context free tweets? Could deep learning benefit from the context and therefore provide excellent affordance to multinational collaboration?